
Handlers are responsible for emitting the log record to specific destination. All handlers within Burin are derived from the BurinHandler class.

One feature of all Burin handlers is the ability to set the handler’s log level when it is created. Every handler class has an optional level parameter for this so BurinHandler.set_level() doesn’t need to be called seperately. The default level for every handler is NOTSET.


Even though many handlers in Burin inherit from handlers within the standard logging package, they cannot be used interchangeably.

Using logging handlers with Burin or Burin handlers with logging will cause issues and may result in exceptions or lost logs.


Only methods defined within each Burin handler class are documented here. All handlers inherit from the BurinHandler class and will also mention in their description if they inherit from any other handlers.

If a handler inherits from the logging package then methods that have not been changed are not documented here.

Additionally all methods of handler classes with an underscore_separated name also have a camelCase alias name which matches the names used in the standard logging library.

Below is a list of all handlers available within Burin. After that detailed descriptions of each handler is provided.


Base class for handlers that rotate log files.


A handler that stores log records in a buffer.


A handler that writes log records to a datagram socket.


A handler for writing log records to a file.


Handlers emit logging events to specific destinations.


A handler that can send log records over HTTP to a Web server.


A handler which buffers log records in memory.


A handler which sends events to Windows NT Event Log.


A handler that doesn't do any formatting or output any log records.


A handler that supports logging messages to a queue.


Listens for and processes log records queued by BurinQueueHandler.


A handler that rotates the file when it reaches a certain size.


A handler that can send emails over SMTP for logging events.


A handler that writes pickled log records to a network socket.


A handler that writes log records to a stream.


A handler that supports sending log records to a local or remote syslog.


A handler that rotates the file at specific intervals.


A handler that watches for changes to the file.


This is the base rotating handler which can be used by any handlers that need to rotate files. This should not be used directly but instead can be inherited from to create custom handlers.

class burin.BurinBaseRotatingHandler(filename, mode, encoding=None, delay=False, errors=None, level='NOTSET')

Base class for handlers that rotate log files.

This is derived from BurinFileHandler.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.BaseRotatingHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

This should not be instantiated directly except within a subclass __init__ method.

This will initialize the handler for outputting to a file.

  • filename (str | pathlib.Path) – The filename or path to write to.

  • mode (str) – The mode that the file is opened with.

  • encoding (str) – The text encoding to open the file with.

  • delay (bool) – Whether to delay opening the file until the first record is emitted. (Default = False)

  • errors (str) – Specifies how encoding errors are handled. See open() for information on the appropriate values.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


This method should perform the rotation of the file.

This should be implemented within a subclass and will only raise a NotImplementedError in this base class.


NotImplementedError – As this is not implemented in the base class.


Emits the record to the file.

This will check if the file should be rotated by calling should_rollover and if that returns True it calls do_rollover to perform the actual rotation.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record to emit.


This method should check if the rotation of the file should be done.

This should be implemented within a subclass and will only raise a NotImplementedError in this base class.


The record parameter is needed for the BurinRotatingFileHandler, so to ensure the signature is the same all subclasses should include it whether they use it or not.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record. (Not used for all subclasses)


NotImplementedError – As this is not implemented in the base class.


This is a base buffering handler which can be used to create other handlers which requiring a buffering pattern. This should not be used directly but instead can be inherited from to create custom handlers.

class burin.BurinBufferingHandler(capacity, level='NOTSET')

A handler that stores log records in a buffer.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.BufferingHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

Each time a record is added to the buffer a check is done to see if the buffer should be flushed.

This class is intended to be subclassed by other handlers that need to use a buffering pattern and should not be instantiated directly except within a subclass __init__ method.

The buffer will flush once capacity number of records are stored.

  • capacity (int) – The number of log records to hold in the buffer before flushing.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Closes the handler and flush the buffer.


This handler can be used to send logs through a datagram socket to another Python application.

class burin.BurinDatagramHandler(host, port, pickleProtocol=4, level='NOTSET')

A handler that writes log records to a datagram socket.

The pickled data that is sent is just of the log records attribute dictionary (__dict__) so it can process the event in any way it needs and doesn’t require Burin to be installed.

This is derived from BurinSocketHandler.


The default pickle protocol version used in BurinSocketHandler is different than what is used in logging.handlers.SocketHandler.

Since this is a subclass of the socket handler it is also impacted.

This should only cause issues if the receiving Python version is much older. However if needed the pickle protocol version used can be changed with the pickleProtocol parameter.

The make_log_record() function can be used on the receiving end to recreate the log record from the pickled data if desired.

The host and port will set address and family of socket used.

If port is specified as None then the socket family will be socket.AF_UNIX; otherwise the socket family is socket.AF_INET.

  • host (str) – The address of the host to communicate with.

  • port (int) – The port to communicate on.

  • pickleProtocol (int) – The pickle protocol version to use. (Default = 4)

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Makes the UDP (socket.SOCK_DGRAM) socket.

The socket family will be either socket.AF_UNIX or socket.AF_INET depending on the address that was passed in during initialization.


The UDP socket.

Return type:



Sends the pickled log record through the socket.

This will try to create the socket first if it hasn’t been created yet.


msg (str) – The pickled string of the log record.


This handler allows for simply writing logs out to a file.

class burin.BurinFileHandler(filename, mode='a', encoding=None, delay=False, errors=None, level='NOTSET')

A handler for writing log records to a file.

This is derived from BurinStreamHandler.


This is a subclass of logging.FileHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

This will setup the handler using the absolute file path.

The file that is opened will grow indefinitely while being logged to. If this isn’t desired consider using the BurinRotatingFileHandler or BurinTimedRotatingFileHandler instead.

  • filename (str | pathlib.Path) – The filename or path to write to.

  • mode (str) – The mode that the file is opened with. (Default = ‘a’)

  • encoding (str) – The text encoding to open the file with.

  • delay (bool) – Whether to delay opening the file until the first record is emitted. (Default = False)

  • errors (str) – Specifies how encoding errors are handled. See open() for information on the appropriate values.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Flushes and closes the file.


Emits a log record to the file.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record to emit.


This is the base handler class that all other handlers in Burin are derived from. This should not be used directly but instead can be inherited from to create custom handlers.

class burin.BurinHandler(level='NOTSET')

Handlers emit logging events to specific destinations.


This functions almost identically to logging.Handler but has some minor changes that allow it to work within Burin. These changes shouldn’t impact normal usage when compared with the standard logging library.

This is not a subclass of logging.Handler and is not usable with the standard library logging module.

This is the base handler class for Burin and should not be used directly, but instead can be subclassed to create other handlers that work with Burin.

This will setup the basic instance values for the handler.

Typically this should be called within any subclasses __init__ method to ensure all required handler instance attributes are created.


level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)

property name

The name of the handler.


Acquires the handlers internal thread lock.

It is recommended to use a handler’s lock in a context manager using the with statement. The lock is simply accessible as BurinHandler.lock on any handler instance.

The BurinHandler.acquire() and BurinHandler.release() methods are primarily provided for improved compatibility with the standard library logging.Handler.


Cleans up the handler.

This simply removes the handler from an internal library reference map, but any subclasses should ensure this is called in any overridden close() methods to ensure the reference to the handler is cleaned up.


Acquires a re-entrant lock for the handler for threading protection.

The lock is available through the instance BurinHandler.lock attribute or it can be used with BurinHandler.acquire() and BurinHandler.release().

This lock can then be used by subclasses to serialize access to I/O or any other places where protection of the instance across threads may be needed.

This also registers the handler to reinitialize the lock after a fork as otherwise it could prevent logging through the handler if fork is called while the lock is held.


Meant to ensure that all logging output is flushed.

This is intended to be implemented within subclasses as needed; this method on the base class does not do anything.


Formats the received log record.

If the handler doesn’t have a formatter a basic default formatter is used.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record to be formatted.


The formatted text of the log record.

Return type:



Process the log record and possibly emit it.

This will check any filters that have been added to the handler and emit the record if no filters return False.

If the record passes all filters then the instance of the record that was emitted will be returned.


In Python 3.12 the ability for this to return a record was added to the standard library; it is supported here for all versions of Python compatible with Burin (including versions below 3.12).


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record to process.


An instance of the record that was emitted, or False if the record was not emitted.

Return type:

BurinLogRecord | bool


Handles errors which may occur during an emit() call.

This should be called from subclasses when an exception is encountered during an emit() call.

If raiseExceptions is False then the error will be silently ignored. This can be useful for a logging system as most users would be more concerned with application errors vs logging library errors.

However if raiseExceptions is True then information about the error will be output to sys.stderr.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record that was being processed when the error occurred.


Releases the handler’s internal thread lock.

It is recommended to use a handler’s lock in a context manager using the with statement. The lock is simply accessible as BurinHandler.lock on any handler instance.

The BurinHandler.acquire() and BurinHandler.release() methods are primarily provided for improved compatibility with the standard library logging.Handler.


Sets the formatter to be used by this handler.


fmt (BurinFormatter) – The formatter to use.


Sets the logging level of this handler.


level (int | str) – The new level for the handler.


This handler can send logs to another service using HTTP.

class burin.BurinHTTPHandler(host, url, method='GET', secure=False, credentials=None, context=None, level='NOTSET')

A handler that can send log records over HTTP to a Web server.


This is a subclass of logging.HTTPHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.


This has the BurinHTTPHandler.get_connection() method (also aliased as BurinHTTPHandler.getConnection()); this was added to the standard library in Python 3.9 but is available here for all Python versions supported by Burin.

This will setup the handler and do some basic checks of parameters.

Only ‘GET’ or ‘POST’ are allowed as method. Also context must be None if secure is False.

  • host (str) – The host to connect to; this can be in the form of ‘host:port’ if non-standard HTTP/HTTPS ports are to be used.

  • url (str) – The URL path on the host to use.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method to use for the request. This must be either ‘GET’ or ‘POST’. (Default = ‘GET’)

  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or not. (Default = False)

  • credentials (tuple(str, str)) – If authentication is needed for the host then this should be a 2-tuple of (username, password). This will be placed into an HTTP ‘Authorization’ header for Basic Authentication support. If this is used you should also use secure*=**True* so that the username and password are not sent in cleartext to the host.

  • context (ssl.SSLContext) – A ssl.SSLContext instance to configured settings for an HTTPS connection. This must be None if secure*=**False*.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


ValueError – If method is not ‘GET’ or ‘POST’, or context is not None and secure*=**False*.

get_connection(host, secure)

Gets the HTTP or HTTPS connection.

This can be overridden to change how the connection is created; for example if a proxy is required.

  • host (str) – The host to connect to.

  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or not.


The connection object.

Return type:

http.client.HTTPConnection | http.client.HTTPSConnection


This handler can buffer logs in memory until a specified capacity is reached.

class burin.BurinMemoryHandler(capacity, flushLevel='ERROR', target=None, flushOnClose=True, level='NOTSET')

A handler which buffers log records in memory.

This is derived from BurinBufferingHandler.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.MemoryHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

This handler will flush when the buffer reaches the specified capacity or when a record of the specified flushLevel or above is emitted.

The target handler will be called when this flushes its buffer.

  • capacity (int) – The number of log records to hold in the buffer before flushing.

  • flushLevel (int | str) – If a log record of this level is put in the buffer it will immediately flush the whole buffer. (Default = ‘ERROR’)

  • target (BurinHandler) – The handler which is called with the log records when the buffer is flushed.

  • flushOnClose (bool) – Whether the buffer should be flushed when the handler is closed. (Default = True)

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Closes the handler.

This will also flush the buffer if flushOnClose was True when the handler was initialized.


This handler can log to the Windows event log; this requires the pywin32 package.

class burin.BurinNTEventLogHandler(appname, dllname=None, logtype='Application', level='NOTSET')

A handler which sends events to Windows NT Event Log.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.NTEventLogHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

To use this handler you must be on a Windows system and have the pywin32 package installed.

This sets the application name and allows using a specific dll.

During initialization this will try to import the win32evtlogutil and win32evtlog modules from the pywin32 package. If this fails it will print a message to stdout and the handler that is created will not log anything.

A registry entry for the appname will be created. Also if dllname is None then win32service.pyd is used. This can cause the resulting event logs to be quite large, so you can specify a different dllname with the message definitions you want to use.

  • appname (str) – The name of the application which will be added to the registry.

  • dllname (str) – Specify a dll to use other than win32service.pyd.

  • logtype (str) – The log type used to register the event logs.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Closes the handler.


This handler doesn’t do anything, but can be used to ensure a logger has a configured handler that doesn’t actually output to anything (not even sys.stderr). This may be useful in libraries where you want to use Burin if it’s available, but want to let the application configure the output handlers.

class burin.BurinNullHandler(level='NOTSET')

A handler that doesn’t do any formatting or output any log records.

This is essentially meant as a no-op handler to be used when you need a handler to be attached to a logger, but don’t want any output.


Does not actually create a lock; this will set self.lock to None.


Does not emit anything.


record (BurinLogRecord) – This is not emitted to anything; it is only here so the signature matches other handlers.


Does no processing or handling of the record.


record (BurinLogRecord) – This is not processed in any way; it is only here so the signature matches other handlers.


This handler adds all logs to a queue which a BurinQueueListener can then process. This can be useful in a multiprocess application to have one process handle all of the actual logging (and I/O involved) while the others just add to the queue.

class burin.BurinQueueHandler(queue, level='NOTSET')

A handler that supports logging messages to a queue.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.QueueHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

This can be used along with BurinQueueListener to allow one process or thread in a program handle logging output which may consist of slow operations like file writing or sending emails. This can be useful in Web or service applications where responsiveness is important in worker processes and threads.

Logs records are added to the queue by each BurinQueueHandler and then processed and output by the BurinQueueListener.

This will initialize the handler and set the queue to use.



This can be paired with BurinQueueHandler to have one process for a queue of logs which multiple handlers add to.

class burin.BurinQueueListener(queue, *handlers, respect_handler_level=False)

Listens for and processes log records queued by BurinQueueHandler.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.QueueListener and is just a stub class to provide a matching listener for BurinQueueHandler.

This can be used along with BurinQueueHandler so that log processing and output, which may consist of slow operations like file writing or sending emails, can be done outside of worker processes or threads where responsiveness may be important.


This handler can automatically rotate a log file when it reaches a specific size.

class burin.BurinRotatingFileHandler(filename, mode='a', maxBytes=0, backupCount=0, encoding=None, delay=False, errors=None, level='NOTSET')

A handler that rotates the file when it reaches a certain size.

This is derived from BurinBaseRotatingHandler.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

The file is rotated once it reaches a specific size. A limit can also be placed on how many rotated files are kept.

This will initialize the handler to write to the file.

The file will be rotated when it reaches maxBytes size. The number of rotated files to keep is set by backupCount.

When the files are rotated a number is appended to the filename in the order ‘.1’, ‘.2’, ‘.3’, etc. until the backupCount is reached. So a backupCount of 5 will result in 5 files other than the active log file being kept up to ‘filename.5’. Once backupCount is reached the next time a rotate happens the oldest file will be removed.

The active log file set with filename is always the file being written to.

  • filename (str | pathlib.Path) – The filename or path to write to.

  • mode (str) – The mode that the file is opened with. This should be ‘a’ in almost all use cases. If ‘w’ is in the mode and maxBytes != 0 then it will be replaced with ‘a’ as otherwise the file will be truncated every time the program runs which is counter-intuitive to a rotating log file. (Default = ‘a’)

  • maxBytes (int) – The maximum size (in bytes) the file can be before a rotation happens. The rotation happens before an emit so the file should never go above this size. If this is 0 then the file will never be rotated. (Default = 0)

  • backupCount (int) – How many rotated log files to keep. If this is 0 then the file will not be rotated. (Default = 0)

  • encoding (str) – The text encoding to open the file with.

  • delay (bool) – Whether to delay opening the file until the first record is emitted. (Default = False)

  • errors (str) – Specifies how encoding errors are handled. See open() for information on the appropriate values.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


This handler can send logs through email using a SMTP server.

class burin.BurinSMTPHandler(mailhost, fromaddr, toaddrs, subject, credentials=None, secure=None, timeout=5.0, level='NOTSET')

A handler that can send emails over SMTP for logging events.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.SMTPHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

This requires an email server that you have permission to send emails through; it cannot be used standalone to send directly to a receiving server.

This will initialize the handler for sending emails.

The standard SMTP port from smtplib.SMTP_PORT is used by default; if you need to use a non-standard port then mailhost must be a tuple in the form of (host, port).

You can send to multiple recipients by passing a list of addresses to toaddrs.

If your SMTP server requires authentication then credentials should be a list or tuple in the form of (username, password). If you are sending credentials then secure should not be None to prevent them being sent unencrypted.

  • mailhost (str | tuple(str, int)) – The SMTP server to connect to and send mail through. By default the standard SMTP port is used; if you need to use a custom port this should be a tuple in the form of (host, port).

  • fromaddr (str) – The address that the email is sent from.

  • toaddrs (list[str] | str) – The recipient email addresses. This can be a single address or a list of multiple addresses.

  • subject (str) – The subject line of the email.

  • credentials (tuple(str, str)) – If the SMTP server requires authentication you can pass a tuple here in the form (username, password).

  • secure (tuple) – If credentials is not none then can be set to a tuple to enable encryption for the connection to the SMTP server. The tuple can follow one of three forms, an empty tuple (), a single value tuple with the name of a keyfile (keyfile,), or a 2-value tuple with the names of a keyfile and certificate file (keyfile, certificatefile). This is then passed to smtplib.SMTP.starttls().

  • timeout (float | int) – A timeout (in seconds) for communications with the SMTP server.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


This handler can send pickled log records through a socket to another Python application.

class burin.BurinSocketHandler(host, port, pickleProtocol=4, level='NOTSET')

A handler that writes pickled log records to a network socket.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.SocketHandler but has a change that may be incompatible depending on the receiver’s Python version.

The default pickle protocol version used is 4 instead of 1; this can be configured though by the pickleProtocol parameter which was added.

The pickled data that is sent is just of the log records attribute dictionary (__dict__) so it can process the event in any way it needs and doesn’t require Burin to be installed.

The make_log_record() function can be used on the receiving end to recreate the log record from the pickled data if desired.

This will set the host and port for the socket to connect to.

  • host (str) – The address of the host to communicate with.

  • port (int) – The port to communicate on.

  • pickleProtocol (int) – The pickle protocol version to use. (Default = 4)

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Closes and handler and the socket.


Handles errors which may occur during an emit() call.

This wile close the socket if self.closeOnError*=**True*; it then calls BurinHandler.handle_error() to continue with the error handling.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record that was being processed when the error occurred.


Pickles the record in a binary format.

This prepares the record for transmission across the socket.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record to pickle.


The pickled representation of the record.

Return type:



This handler can write logs to an I/O stream.

class burin.BurinStreamHandler(stream=None, level='NOTSET')

A handler that writes log records to a stream.


This is a subclass of logging.StreamHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.


This handler will not close the stream it is writing to as sys.stdout and sys.stderr are commonly used.

This initializes the handler and sets the stream to use.

If stream is None then sys.stderr is used by default.

  • stream (io.TextIOBase) – The stream to log to. If this is None then sys.stderr is used.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Sets the StreamHandler’s stream to the specified value, if it is different.

Returns the old stream, if the stream was changed, or None if it wasn’t.


This handler can write logs out using Syslog.

class burin.BurinSyslogHandler(address=('localhost', 514), facility=1, socktype=None, level='NOTSET')

A handler that supports sending log records to a local or remote syslog.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.SysLogHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

Unlike the standard library handler the ‘l’ in ‘Syslog’ of the class name is not capitalized so this class better matches the actual ‘Syslog’ name.

This initializes the handler and sets it for sending to syslog.

By default the handler will try to use a local syslog through UDP port 514; to change this address must be set as a tuple in the form (host, port).

By default a UDP connection is created; if TCP is needed ensure socktype is set to socket.SOCK_STREAM.

  • address (tuple(str, int)) – The address to connect to syslog at. This should be a tuple in the form of (host, port). (Default = (‘localhost’, 514))

  • facility (int) – The syslog facility to use. These are available as class attributes on the handler to simplify usage. (Default = 1 (LOG_USER))

  • socktype (int) – The socket type to use for the connection to syslog. By default a socket.SOCK_DGRAM socket is used if this is None; for TCP connections specify socket.SOCK_STREAM.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Closes the handler and the syslog socket.


This handler can rotate log files based on a timing pattern.

class burin.BurinTimedRotatingFileHandler(filename, when='h', interval=1, backupCount=0, encoding=None, delay=False, utc=False, atTime=None, errors=None, level='NOTSET')

A handler that rotates the file at specific intervals.

This is derived from BurinBaseRotatingHandler.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

The file is rotated once at the specified interval. A limit can also be placed on how many rotated files are kept.

This will initialize the handler to write to the file.

The file will be rotated based on the when, interval, and atTime values. The number of rotated files to keep is set by backupCount.


Interval type

atTime usage














interval ignored;
Weekday (0 = Monday)

Time of the day to rotate


interval ignored;
Midnight or atTime

Time of the date to rotate

When the files are rotated a time and/or date is appended to the filename until the backupCount is reached. The time.strftime() format %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S is used with later parts stripped off when not relevant for the rotation interval selected. Once backupCount is reached the next time a rotate happens the oldest file will be removed.

The rotation interval is calculated (during initialization) based on the last modification time of the log file, or the current time if the file doesn’t exist, to determine when the next rotation will occur.

The active log file set with filename is always the file being written to.

  • filename (str | pathlib.Path) – The filename or path to write to.

  • when (str) – The type of interval to use when calculating the rotation. Use the table above to see the available options and how they impact the rotation interval. (Default = ‘h’)

  • interval (int) – The interval to use for the file rotation. Use the table above to see how this is used in determining the rotation interval. (Default = 1)

  • backupCount (int) – How many rotated log files to keep. If this is 0 then the file will not be rotated. (Default = 0)

  • encoding (str) – The text encoding to open the file with.

  • delay (bool) – Whether to delay opening the file until the first record is emitted. (Default = False)

  • utc (bool) – Whether to use UTC time or local time. (Default = False)

  • atTime (datetime.time) – The time to use for weekday or ‘midnight’ (daily at set time) rotations. Use the table above to see how this is used in determining the rotation interval.

  • errors (str) – Specifies how encoding errors are handled. See open() for information on the appropriate values.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Determines if a rollover should occur.


The record parameter is not used, it is included to keep the method signatures the same for all subclasses of BurinBaseRotatingHandler


In Python 3.11 logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler.shouldRollover() was changed to ensure that if the target is not currently a regular file the check is skipped and the next one is scheduled. Previously checks simply ran and failed repeatedly. This change is incorporated here for all versions of Python compatible with Burin (including versions below 3.11).


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record. (Not used)


Whether a rollover is scheduled to occur.

Return type:



This handler watches the file it is writing to and will close and reopen it automatically if it detects any changes.

class burin.BurinWatchedFileHandler(filename, mode='a', encoding=None, delay=False, errors=None, level='NOTSET')

A handler that watches for changes to the file.


This is a subclass of logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler and functions identically to it in normal use cases.

If the file this is logging to changes it will close and then reopen the file.

This is intended for use on Unix/Linux systems and checks for device or inode changes. Such changes would occur if a program like logrotate was to rotate the file.

This should not be used on Windows and is not needed as log files are opened with exclusive locks and cannot be moved or renamed when in use.

This will setup the handler and stat the file.

  • filename (str | pathlib.Path) – The filename or path to write to.

  • mode (str) – The mode that the file is opened with. (Default = ‘a’)

  • encoding (str) – The text encoding to open the file with.

  • delay (bool) – Whether to delay opening the file until the first record is emitted. (Default = False)

  • errors (str) – Specifies how encoding errors are handled. See open() for information on the appropriate values.

  • level (int | str) – The logging level of the handler. (Default = ‘NOTSET’)


Emits the record to the file.

This will check if the file needs to be reopened before writing to it.


record (BurinLogRecord) – The log record to emit.